Grants Policy Statement Mike McCallister 15 Jul 1994 08:10 EST

Same thing, looked good.  I don't have anything (well, one thing) with
   NIH, but thought you might.
> FYI - I am still following up on the status of the availability of the
> Grants Policy Manual in electronic form.  Today I spoke with JoEllen
> Harper and she advises that they are "inches away" from having
> it up on Gopher.  The GPS is installed on a test gopher and is working
> great.  They anticipate having it up on gopher within a month.  A notice
> will be published in the NIH Guide along with "highlights" of the
> recently revised GPS.
> They will not be giving any instructions on how to access gopher, but
> will be advising individuals to contact their local computer network
> administrators for assistance.
> I have a menu driven access to the NIH Gopher through the New York
> State Department of Health, so I will check periodically to see
> if the GPS is up yet and will advise the group.
> Another user recently contacted me regarding whether i had started a
> "list" file of electronic documents from various sources (A-110
> A-21, GPS etc.)
> I have not started such a list.  I have A-110 in electronic form
> which I have shared with some of
> you and I will see if there is anyway to put it in our RESADM-L
> archive.  A-21, as far as I have been able to determine is not
> available in complete form electronically - as the last Fed. Register
> update was not a complete reissuance but merely an update.  The
> same is true of the other circulars.  (A-133 is recent enough that
> it might be available in full text from Counterpoint -- Counterpoint are you
> listening? I know you're out there - can you check on this?)
> And the GPS, I am working on.
> Ciao
> * Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella             xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET  *
> * Asst. Dir. Technology Transfer & Sponsored Pgms.            *
> * Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
> * Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *