Grants Policy Statement Liz Mazzella 14 Jul 1994 14:23 EST

FYI - I am still following up on the status of the availability of the
Grants Policy Manual in electronic form.  Today I spoke with JoEllen
Harper and she advises that they are "inches away" from having
it up on Gopher.  The GPS is installed on a test gopher and is working
great.  They anticipate having it up on gopher within a month.  A notice
will be published in the NIH Guide along with "highlights" of the
recently revised GPS.

They will not be giving any instructions on how to access gopher, but
will be advising individuals to contact their local computer network
administrators for assistance.

I have a menu driven access to the NIH Gopher through the New York
State Department of Health, so I will check periodically to see
if the GPS is up yet and will advise the group.

Another user recently contacted me regarding whether i had started a
"list" file of electronic documents from various sources (A-110
A-21, GPS etc.)

I have not started such a list.  I have A-110 in electronic form
which I have shared with some of
you and I will see if there is anyway to put it in our RESADM-L
archive.  A-21, as far as I have been able to determine is not
available in complete form electronically - as the last Fed. Register
update was not a complete reissuance but merely an update.  The
same is true of the other circulars.  (A-133 is recent enough that
it might be available in full text from Counterpoint -- Counterpoint are you
listening? I know you're out there - can you check on this?)
And the GPS, I am working on.


* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella             xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET  *
* Asst. Dir. Technology Transfer & Sponsored Pgms.            *
* Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *