Re: What Are You Called? John Farrant 29 Jun 1994 09:02 EST

My office is called the Research Office, with functions much as at
Medical College of Ohio, except:

>                 1)  Pre- and Post-award sponsored programs activities
>                         (we monitor all expenditures from grants, but
>                         grants accounting, the number crunching, is
>                         handled by institutional accounting)
 We are responsible for management but not financial accounting
>                 2)  Research Regulatory Compliance (IRB, IACUC, Recombinant
>                         DNA, Scientific Misconduct, Chemical and Biological
>                         Hazards, conflict-of-interest)
 Happily all of this is not such an industry here.
>                 3)  Development and implementation of institutional
>                         research policy
>                 4)  Technology Transfer

I have a considerable role in policy and development for graduate
education, without many operational responsibilities.

Job titles differ greatly over here...

John Farrant, Deputy Registrar, The University of Sussex, Sussex House, Falmer,
Brighton, BN1 9RH,  UK.  Tel:   +44  273 678609 (switchboard:  606755).