DC Offices and Sponsored Projects Offices PHIL SPINA, RSP, WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY 27 Jun 1994 13:43 EST

Dear Colleagues -

I am seeking information and opinions from those of you who have (or have had)
office and/or consultants in Washington DC that represent your institutional
interests with the various federal agencies.  For example:

1.  Did your goals include assistance with competitive federal awards or was the

emphasis on direct congressional funding?

2.  Was the emphasis on research awards or other sponsored programs funding?

3.  Were you advised of new opportunities that you would not have learned about
from other sources of information (i.e., Federal Register, CBD, other non-
federal publications) ?

4.  Did the consultant/office staff meet regularly with agency staff?  Were
faculty included in these meetings?

5.  In what areas are the office/consultant most helpful?  Least helpful?

6.  Were additional proposals submitted as a result of the office/consultant's
activities?  Were new programs funded ?

7.  Was/is the relationship cost-effective?

8.  Do you have any information or recommendations about possible consultants in

this field?

9.  Do you wish to make any additional comments?

If you feel that your comments will be of general interest, please post your
response to the bulletin board.  If you feel your response is more specific,
please send it to me at xxxxxx@desire.wright.edu.  I will post a summary of the
results in a couple of weeks.

Thank you for your help.

Phil Spina
Wright State University