Question re: Learn and Serve America Franci Farnsworth 09 Jun 1994 11:55 EST

I'm forwarding a question from a colleague who hasn't had time to sign on
to RESADM yet -- but her question had me stumped and seemed appropriate for
all of you.  Replies should be sent directly to her -- Margy Leahy, NH
College and University Council.

Subject: Question

        Before I came to NHCUC, someone did a "Learn and Serve America"
grant proposal on contract.  It has made the first cut.  since I am
inheriting the thing, I have some concerns, on of which you might be able
to help me with.
        There is an institutional match (in this case about $65K).
Nowhere in the guidelines  can I find
WHEN they disperse the funds; before the match?  In an ad hoc program
like this, do generic OMB regs apply?  I'm concerned because I have a lot
of other things on my plate; if I have to come up with $65K before the
feds pay their $, I'm in trouble.  Do you know what happens?  (Of course,
they may decide not to award it to us anyway, but I think President Bill
wants big bucks spent on New Hampshire.....)