Re: Nationally-Recognized Grant Development Workshops Jonathan 06 Jun 1994 09:22 EST

>I would be interested in RESADM-l members' experiences with
>grantsmanship workshops given by "nationally recognized experts" (not
>my terminology).

I have just completed an email course in submission writing, and would
like to pass on the details.

The course cost $US100 and consisted of approx 25 email messages,
sent over three weeks.  Messages were grouped around subjects, refered
to as 'sessions' in the list below:

Session One:  Strategic Planning;  Identifying and Designing the
 Project to be Funded;
 Writing the Preliminary Proposal (part 1)
Session Two:  Writing the Preliminary Proposal (part 2)
Session Three:  Identifying Resources to Locate Funders
Session Four:  Identifying Potential Funders
Session Five:  Marketing the Project
Session Six:  Writing the Proposal (Part 1)
Session Seven:  Writing the Proposal (Part 2)
Session Eight: Marketing the Proposal
Session Nine: Submitting the Proposal
Session Ten:  Loose Ends

Of those 25 messages, only three were concerned with US funding
agencies.  All the rest discussed the theory and practice of submission

At the end of the course, I have ended up with:
 +       a much better idea of how to 'tighten up' draft submissions;
 +       a 'text-book' of messages which I can refer back to;
 +       much sharper skills on email and ftp.

I think that it was well worth the money and, more importantly, the
time.  More information about the course can be gained from Herb Wylen,
the course leader.  Email:

Jonathan O'Donnell
Research Development Unit
RMIT Faculty of Business
Phone +61 3 660 3459
Fax +61_3_660_3789