(Fwd) Re[2]: Administrative internships/fellowships at NSF Doug Zbylut 01 Jun 1994 16:38 EST

A question came up a month or so ago about fellowships for
administrators.  I mentioned a program NSF had.  Some people asked if
I had further information, and (red-faced) I did not.  Fortunately, Jean
Feldman at NSF has come to my rescue.  Her message to me is below.
 I thought the entire list might be interested in it.

P.S. to Jude Bellamy @ John Hopkins: I was too quick on the delete
key, so I lost your address.  Hope this gets to you.

Doug Zbylut
Creighton University

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:          xxxxxx@nsf.gov
To:            xxxxxx@atlas.creighton.edu
Cc:            xxxxxx@nsf.gov
Subject:       Re[2]: Administrative internships/fellowships at NSF
Date:          1 Jun 94  06:04 EST

Dear Doug:

As I indicated on the phone, I had heard about the existance of the
program that you referred to in your e-mail message, but knew that it
had not been active at NSF for at least a few years.  For additional
information, I discussed this issue with the Director of the Division
of Grants and Agreements (Bill Cole) and he was able to elaborate on
the basic elements of the program.

Essentially, for several years in the 1980's, NSF, in cooperation with
the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)
the Society of Research Administrators (SRA), had a Research
Administrators Development Program (RADP) activity.  In this program,
research administrators had an opportunity to formally apply to spend
several months at NSF working primarily in the (then) Division of
Grants and Contracts.  While at NSF, the research administrators would
work in different areas or on various assignments as a professional
development activity of benefit to the individual, his/her
institution, and to NSF.

While the formal program is no longer active, NSF does consider
inquiries and requests from time to time and may work out similar
arrangements when that appears appropriate. Except for office and
administrative support while at NSF or travel on behalf of NSF, the
research administrator's institution generally paids all salary,
travel and per diem costs associated with the assignment.

Any inquiries regarding participation in this type of endeavor may be
directed to the Director, Division of Grants and Agreements or the
Director, Division of Contracts, Policy and Oversight who will jointly
review and consider any possible assignments.

The addresses for these individuals are as follows:

Mr. William Cole                        Mr. Robert Hardy
Director                                Director
Division of Grants & Agreements         Division of Contracts,
4201 Wilson Blvd.                       Policy & Oversight
Arlington, VA  22230                    4201 Wilson Blvd.
 Arlington, VA 22230

I hope this information is helpful.  If I can be of any further
assistance, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at:
xxxxxx@nsf.gov or by phone on (703) 306-1243.

Jean Feldman
Policy Office

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Administrative internships/fellowships at NSF
Author:  Doug Zbylut <xxxxxx@atlas.creighton.edu> at NOTE
Date:    5/16/94 1:12 PM

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Organization: Creighton University
Priority: normal
X-Mailer: WinPMail v1.0 (R2)
Resent-To: jfeldman%xxxxxx@localhost.nsf.gov
Resent-Date: Tue, 17 May 94 10:31:19 EDT
Resent-From: "Samantha M. Brewton" <xxxxxx@nsf.gov>
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Could anyone on this list help me.

It seems to me that a few years ago I read/heard about a program at
NSF in which university administrators could spend a 3-6 month period
at NSF getting experience in the grants administration process.

Does anyone have any additional information about this program, or if it
is still in existence?

Douglas J. Zbylut, Assistant Director      /
Office of Grants Administration            / The will to achieve is
Creighton Univ., Omaha, NE  68178    / impossible without the
402/280-5769; Fax: 402/280-4766    /   courage to fail--Unknown
xxxxxx@creighton.edu                   /