NASA fellowship expenses Mike McCallister 19 May 1994 12:33 EST

My experience with NASA is that they mena exactly what they
 say.  Don't travel this kid with money from a budget with
 which he has no affiliation (in the eyes of the sponsor).
--------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------
An eligibility statement in the NASA Graduate Student Fellowships application
states: "An individual accepting this award may not concurrently receive other
Federal funds, including funds from other Federal fellowships, traineeships,
or employment."

One of our departments is questioning the interpretation of this requirement.
They agree that the salary should be paid on the NASA fellowship, but are
wanting to charge travel to conferences and perhaps some equipment expenses to
other Federal projects that this student is "exposed" to due to being part of
a research team working on many "similar" projects.

I've checked with NASA and their position is clear that only if the student is
"working on" i.e. NAMED on the project would travel charges be allowable on
that project.  If the University has other non-federal funding that can be
used for conferences, etc. that's fine.

I'd appreciate feedback from other NASA administrators.   Have you interpreted
this funding allowability question any differently at your University?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Mary Atella
Contracts and Grants Administrator
Colorado State University
phone: (303) 491-2083
fax:      (303) 491-6147