Electronic source searches Marcia Landen Zuzolo 05 May 1994 13:39 EST

I can't IMAGINE searching through hardcopy to locate grant sources.  Following
are the tools I know about.  I've not used all of them, so I hesitate to make
recommendations and some vendors, such as SPIN, offer various kinds of
packages.  Take advantage of free trial periods.

SPIN - call them at 1-800-727-6427

IRIS - Sue Keehn is the person you want to talk with: 217-333-0284

Dialog on Disk - 1-800-3dialog

Taft (sorry, I don't know the name of their product, but if you call and
explain that you want information on grants on disk, they'll know) - the
account rep I use is Amy Moulton 1-800-877-taft

Grant Advisor - 703-636-1529

There may be others.

Also, don't forget about "free" sources out on the internet/Gopher/Web.  Many
of the federal agencies are on Gopher, and if you can get to one there is
usually a menu choice of "other government gophers" that'll lead you into more
stuff than you ever wanted to see.  Pull on your electronic wading boots.

-Marcia Zuzolo
Indiana University