Re: NSF Electronic Awards Documents, how to arrange? Ellen D. Rogers 05 May 1994 13:05 EST

>At a recent SRA/NCURA regional meeting, an NSF rep reminded us that we
>can arrange to have all Award Notification documents sent
>electronically (part of NSF's overall push to "go electronic").
>I didn't get the name of the person in charge of this process, at NSF.
>Can someone provide the name of the appropriate person to contact at NSF?
>What specific information does one provide?
>Kenneth D. Buelow / Assistant Director for Research
>The Graduate School / University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
>P.O. Box 340 / Milwaukee, WI 53201
>414/229-5449   /   /   FAX=414/229-6967

The person you want to contact at NSF is John Grzechowiak.  His phone
number is (703) 306-1217.
Ellen D. Rogers                         E-Mail:
Assistant Director                      Voice:   (219) 631-7432
Office of Research                      Fax:     (219) 631-6630
312 Main Building
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana  46556