Project and Proposal Evaluation Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 04 May 1994 14:11 EST

Does anyone have a recommendation on the value of Capitol Publications'
"Effective Evaluation"  ($59) and The Grantseeker's Guide to Effective
evaluation" ($49) as references sources for grantseekers and for workshop
development. Or are there better, inexpensive non-academic references?

With respect to another aspect of evaluation, have you found it useful to
request the reviewers' proposal evaluation sheets from agencies: which
sponsors? I know the Department of Education encourages applicants to
request application sheets.

I look forward to your comments. Best wishes, Charlie.
Charlie Graham, Director, Office of Sponsored Research
117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 50310       504-388-8692    xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU
Charlie Graham, Director, Office of Sponsored Research
117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 50310       504-388-8692    xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU