(no subject) Tom Lalor, Proposal Developer 03 May 1994 12:52 EST

Dear Ms. Bacon et al.

At the University of Rhode Island Research Office we offer proposal preview
and editing. We have budget specialists who develop budgets, and hash out
contractual or budget related negotiations. New faculty or faculty new to a par
ticular funding agency are the most likely customers for proposal preview,
though seasoned grant writers will often ask for a critical reading. For
proposals involving multiple faculty participants, and group process, the role
of an administrator can be facilitator, mediator and/or draft writer.  But
typically for a PI looking for feedback, we offer a critical reading, suggested
 changes ( with illustrative text) that might relate to program guidelines,
clarity, organization or impact.  These services are offered to the faculty
 on an individual basis before proposal development process initiates, along
with funding opportunity identification and notification. Thus, proposal pre-
view may occur as part of larger process of proposal development.

Thomas Lalor, Ph.D.
Research Office
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881-0811
(401)792-5576 voice
(401)792-9089 fax