...no subject... Mary Atella 26 Apr 1994 15:26 EST

I'm interested in finding out about the relationship between the Sponsored
Research Office and the Development (fundraising) Office at other
Universities.  Responses to the following questions, or any other information
you'd like to share on this topic would be appreciated.

1.  How would you characterize the level of cooperation between the two
2.  Do you have a written agreement that describes the responsibilities of
each office and how they coordinate their efforts?  Is it followed?
3.  Is disguising contracts as gifts to avoid overhead charges a problem on
your campus?  Assuming yes, how do you handle this?
4.  How do you determine which office submits proposals to non-federal
sponsors?  By type of sponsor?  type of award made?  other criteria?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Mary Atella
Gift Fund Manager/Contracts and Grants Administrator
Office of Sponsored Programs
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO  80523