Re: Grant Accounting/Management Systems Doug Zbylut 15 Apr 1994 14:12 EST

Hello out there!

 I just joined the list this morning.  This is Doug Zbylut, and I am the
Assistant Director for Grants Administration at Creighton University.

Concerning Liz Mazzella's post:

 I think you are right that most systems for managing awarded grants
will be of the mainframe variety.  I think this is true because it is usually a
component of the overall financial management system at an institution.
At Creighton ours is hooked into a mainframe system called BANNER (don't
know the vendor's name).

 My guess is that most grant application tracking systems are PC or MAC
based, usually some system developed in-house.  This has been true at
all the institutions I have been at: University of NE at Omaha, University of
NE-Lincoln, and at Creighton.  At Creighton we use a database software
package called FileExpress and have Grants Tracking, IRB, and Faculty
Interest Profiles on the system.

> Awhile back I posted a query as to what computer systems/packages
> other grant offices are using to track grant applications and
> manage awarded grants (accounting, payroll, purchasing, etc.)
> I received no responses to my last posting --any feedback on the
> subject would be helpful!
> Thanks
> * Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella             xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET  *
> * Asst. Dir. Technology Transfer & Sponsored Pgms.            *
> * Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
> * Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *

Douglas J. Zbylut, Assistant Director      /
Office of Grants Administration            / The will to achieve is
Creighton Univ., Omaha, NE  68178    / impossible without the
402/280-5769; Fax: 402/280-4766    /   courage to fail--Unknown                   /