Re: NSF forms on STIS Jean Humphries 04 Apr 1994 14:30 EST

>In the past their "forms" have been simple Postscript files designed to
>print out a blank sheet, onto which you use a typwriter or a pen to fill in
>I've been using Macintosh Word and Excel for face pages and budget forms,
>and--since we've won grants with these forms--they must meet NSF
>guidelines. I'll find a way to post them somewhere, perhaps on our Gopher
>here, and I'll let people know to get access to them.
>As for PC users, I think I can adapt them to WordPerfect and Excel. But I'm
>not sure. I'll keep you posted.
>Robert P. Burke                         (219) 631-6494
>Institute for Scholarship               email:
>  in the Liberal Arts                   fax: (219) 631-7743
>College of Arts and Letters
>University of Notre Dame
>Notre Dame, Indiana 46556

I have been able to translate the forms from MSWord/Excel for Mac to
Windows MSWord/Excel for PC.  Takes a little fidgeting with the formatting
(column/row widths; PC fonts a little different from TrueType fonts, etc.)
but otherwise they have worked out fine.  Has really be worth the effort.

Jean N. Humphries
Director, TEES Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station

The Texas A&M University System
308 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX 77843-3000

Telephone:  (409) 845-1264
Fax:  (409) 845-9643