"Restricted" programs Celia Walker 15 Mar 1994 16:28 EST

Marcia Zuzolo, Sponsored Research Services, Indiana University asked:

| What do other institutions that are part of a larger system do when
| program guidelines require only one submission per institution?
| We've been awfully frustrated here at Indiana University, as it seems
| more and more programs are limiting submissions to one per
| institution.

Boy, this is a good question.  I, too, am frustrated with the
increasing number of programs that restrict the number of applications,
although it never crossed my mind that a multi-institution system would
be considered "one institution." I think you should ASSUME and hold out
strongly that each institution (campus) is entitled to submit.  If each
submits a separate NSF research expenditures report, or such, you have
more weight;  if you have system documentation that refers to 8
institutions comprising the system, yet more, etc. We have 3
institutions in our CSU System, but we've never had this problem, maybe
because the other schools do not have CSU in their title??

We have an imperfect screening process at Colorado State.  We have all
"restricted" programs in our 3,000 program files marked for expedited
handling.  When new info arrives, I immediately put out a memo or
certified e-mail to the deans of eligible colleges.  I provide the
guidelines and give them about 2 weeks (more if possible, but hold 4
weeks minimum for proposal development) to get me nominations for
projects which want to compete.  If there are cost-sharing
requirements, facilities implications, etc., the nominations must
address these in addition to project details;  PIs send nominations to
their Deans, who do the first screen, then forward his/her top one or
two nominations to me.  If there are any conflicts, the VP for
Research, in consultation with the Deans, determines which go forward.
 Those PIs are provided full application materials and our submission
processing group is notified to expect the proposals.  Faculty calling
later who "didn't get the word" about nominations are soothed but
referred to his/her Dean, since the info we send should be networked
into the colleges from that office.  I'm sure looking for a less
labor-intensive way of dealing with these....anyone have suggestions?

Celia S. Walker
Assistant to VP Research      INTERNET:xxxxxx@vines.colostate.edu
Colorado State University     TEL:303/491-6355   DESK:303/491-7784
Ft. Collins, CO  80523        FAX:303/491-6147