A-21 - Secretarial time et al Jean Humphries 09 Mar 1994 18:29 EST

I'm interested in how folks are handling the new section F.6 (formerly F.4)
with regards to....

"salaries of administrative and clerical staff should normally be treated
as indirect costs.  Direct charging....may be appropriate where a major
project or activity explicity budgets for admin/clerical svcs and
individuals involved can be specifically identified with the project or

I understand that these are allowable costs when it's a BIG project like
one of the NSF coalitions, etc.  How are you all handling that identifiable
secretary who works 100% for Dr. X but happens to be paid by 5 different
projects, no single one of which is considered "major"?  Is this allowable?
 Is there any way that anyone can see how this can be provided for?

 Thanks for the assist.  Jean.

Jean N. Humphries
Director, TEES Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station

The Texas A&M University System
308 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX 77843-3000

Telephone:  (409) 845-1264
Fax:  (409) 845-9643
Email: xxxxxx@tamu.edu