Travel prior approval Dr. Charles Graham 20 Jan 1994 17:51 EST

I will forward responses sent to the listserv to Bill Boston, who is not
a member at present. Charlie Graham.

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Prior to the 10/91 revision to OMB circular A-21 specific prior
approval was required for each separate foreign trip and for
domestic travel when the expenditure exceeded the amount budgeted
by more than 25% or $500.00.
The 10/91 revision omitted all prior approval for travel
expenditures.  It was our understanding that this was an oversight
by OMB and that prior approval would be reinstituted in a future
revision. We therefore made the decision to continue requiring
institutional prior approval for travel in anticipation of the next
revision to A-21 correcting the "oversight".

The 7/93 revision, however, did not reinstate prior approval
requirements. Therefore, we are considering a revision to our
institutional prior approval system to discontinue requiring prior
approval for travel.  We would be very interested in any comments
you have on this issue and, specifically, how you handle
institutional prior approval at your institution.


E-Mail - xxxxxx@LSUMVS
Voice - (504) 388-3386 Bill Boston
RECEIVE         ** MESSAGE **                                 20 JAN 1994 13:36:
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 20 Jan 94 10:02 EST
SUBJECT: Responding to Messages
DATE: 20 Jan 94 10:01EST

 Just a couple of points...

 Over the last few weeks, I have seen a number of questions that are
of interest.  I would have liked to view the responses.  If your
internal mailing system is like automatically responds to the
sender and NOT to the server.  One of the major benefits of the server
is being lost.  Unless it is personnel...please send all of your
responses, to user questions, to the server,  xxxxxx@VIRGINIA.EDU.

 We have added two more names...Ann Stevens of Emory and some guy with
chapped lips from Vanderbilt.

 When you post a message to the server, you may receive an error
message from xxxxxx@USCN.  It has been a problem...we will try to fix.

 Think warm...this cold weather can't last forever.

GO HOOS!!!!!!!

Timothy Conlon
