Affiliates Celia Walker 10 Dec 1993 16:06 EST

Re Mike's query:  Do any of you folks have a formalized procedure for
working with non-faculty types who want to pursue funding for research or
project development?

Colorado State uses a category titled "Faculty Affiliate" for when a
department elects to "attach" a non-faculty member to itself.  The manual
reads:  "Individuals who possess training and experience useful to the
University's teaching and research program and who are not employed by the
University may receive faculty affiliate appointments.  Conditions of
these appointments are:  a) The initial affiliate appointment may not
exceed one year, but subsequent appointments may be made for a term as
long as four years.  b) Faculty affiliates do not receive stipends nor are
they eligible for the employee benefits or the study privilege.  They are
not eligible for tenure.  c) An individual may be appointed as a faculty
affiliate in more than one academic department with the approval of the
Provost.  d) Faculty affiliates are not eligible to serve on Faculty
Council or its committees."

Basic to this is the concept that the department controls the appointment;
 they may not pay salary, but may provide space and may, on an each-case
basis, allow the affiliate to submit proposals on behalf of the
institution IF it serves the department's purposes.  Because it is a
formal category, liability etc are taken care of (if such things are
ever taken care of!). I've seen it used for spousal appointments,
collaboration with federal employees, and community collaborations.

Celia S. Walker
Assistant to VP Research
Colorado State University     TEL:303/491-6355   DESK:303/491-7784
Ft. Collins, CO  80523        FAX:303/491-6147