Re: Tracking RA staff workload - create a sheet together ?? Heather Brown (16 Oct 2020 10:56 EST)
Re: Tracking RA staff workload - create a sheet together ?? O'Brien, Maryellen (16 Oct 2020 11:52 EST)

Re: Tracking RA staff workload - create a sheet together ?? Heather Brown 16 Oct 2020 10:56 EST
There was a session at the 2019 SRAI Annual Meeting that I thought was amazingly helpful.  I've attached the metric tool and sample they shared.  These are not my creation, but here is the contact info for the presenters:

Maryellen O'Brien, Director of Research Administration, College of Agricultural Science, Penn State,
Jennifer Lear, Director of Research Administration, College of Earth & Mineral Sciences, Penn State,



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