Re: Should pre-candidate grad students be funded by training grants and NOT R01s? Hathaway, Charles (11 Mar 2015 22:24 EST)

Re: Should pre-candidate grad students be funded by training grants and NOT R01s? Hathaway, Charles 11 Mar 2015 22:24 EST

This idea has so many holes it will take a lot of energy to keep it afloat.  Regardless, I think we are all best served by public announcements of explicit rationale for possible new policy rather than "attitudes" leaked in small groups.

From: Research Administration List [] on behalf of Donahue, Sherie (LLU) [xxxxxx@LLU.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 7:04 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Should pre-candidate grad students be funded by training grants and NOT R01s?

I received the following question from one of our investigators today. Has anyone heard of this policy? If so, can you please let us know where to find a written copy?

"At a recent study section meeting, all the committee members were informed by an NIH staff member of a new attitude at NIH regarding graduate student stipends.  According to this new policy, grad students who were in their pre-candidate years should be supported by NRSA training grants and NOT by R01 or other research grants.  The idea was that students supported on research grants had no oversight and did not represent the most efficient investment of research funds.  However, once students had attained doctoral candidacy (passed written and oral comprehensive exams) they were acceptable for addition to research grants because they would be working full-time in the lab of their mentors.  Owing to this policy shift, NIH was supposedly increasing the funds available to support NRSA and T32 training grants."

Thank you,


Sherie Donahue, MS, CRA – Electronic Research Specialist
LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY | Office of the Vice President for Research Affairs
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(909) 651-5098 or (909) 558-1000, x83911·  (909) 558-0244 (fax) ·<>
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