eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Powell, Panda S. (05 Mar 2015 14:58 EST)
Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Carolyn Elliott-Farino (05 Mar 2015 17:38 EST)
Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Powell, Panda S. (05 Mar 2015 20:01 EST)
Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Donahue, Sherie (LLU) (05 Mar 2015 17:54 EST)
Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Michael Spires (05 Mar 2015 18:01 EST)

Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Powell, Panda S. 05 Mar 2015 20:01 EST

Thanks, Everyone for your great wisdom.


Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.

On Mar 5, 2015, at 7:18 PM, Carolyn Elliott-Farino <xxxxxx@KENNESAW.EDU<mailto:xxxxxx@KENNESAW.EDU>> wrote:

Hi, Panda.

I think she either needs to be a consultant, in which case she doesn't need a commons ID (I think), or a subaward to UNCW .

And I don’t know that you get an auto deferment because NIH is closed. I thought that was only for bad weather in your neck of the woods. Check out this page:

Due Dates on Holidays/Weekends
When a postmark/submission date falls on a weekend or Federal holiday<>, the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day.

Note: if the submission deadline shifts beyond the expiration date of the FOA, applicants submitting electronically may receive a warning message from<>. This warning will not keep your application from processing through<>. As always, applicants must check the eRA Commons to view their application and to ensure they have addressed any errors (instances of non-compliance with NIH business rules) identified by NIH systems.

Weather/Other Disasters
In case of severe weather or other disasters that result in the closure of institutions, NIH will often issue a notice in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.  These Notices routinely state that NIH understands the problems caused by the closures and that it is reasonable for applications to have an extension of time for the number of days the institution is closed; the reason for the delay must be documented in a cover letter.  Even if NIH does not issue such a Notice, the practice will apply for such institutional closings. See NIH Extramural Response to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies<>.


-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Powell, Panda S.
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 2:58 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated

Good morning,

I have a faculty member that wants an eRA Commons ID so she can be a "summer visiting researcher" on a grant being submitted by another university.  This does not sound right to me.  So, my questions are -  Doesn't the grant need to be run through UNCW since her Commons ID is associating herself with our university?  Is there a way for her to perform this work as an independent contractor?  Is there a way to register in the Commons as an independent contractor?

Of course this is due today and she's trying to push it through.  So grateful that NIH is closed due to the weather today.  Will that give us an automatic deferment on the submission date?

Thanks so much.  MJ

MJ West<>



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