MOU - Collaborative Research Kasey Zanolli (13 Sep 2013 12:41 EST)
Re: MOU - Collaborative Research Forster, Marjorie (13 Sep 2013 14:15 EST)
Re: MOU - Collaborative Research Levy, Kirsten T (17 Sep 2013 15:09 EST)

Re: MOU - Collaborative Research Forster, Marjorie 13 Sep 2013 14:15 EST

Dear Kazey:  In my experience a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is usually an umbrella agreement used to spell out collaborations between individual faculty members, or departments or schools.  MOU's usually don't involve funding but will spell out the purpose of the collaboration, goals, and then spell out the responsibilities of Entity A and responsibilities of Entity B.  Sometimes an MOU may include intellectual property language.  The MOU's I have been working on recently involve foreign institutions and so I include export control language and non-discrimination language. I include language covering the  term of the MOU, how it can be extended, and notifications language.  In the agreement I include language that indicates that to undertake the projects described,  funding has to be made available through a separately negotiated agreement.  It is in the separate agreement that you would spell out all the terms and conditions regarding publication, etc.
Marjorie Forster
Assistant Vice President, Research and
Global Health Initiatives
Office of Research and Development
University of Maryland Baltimore
620 West Lexington Street, Suite 400
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-706-6630 (fax)<>

On Sep 13, 2013, at 1:41 PM, Kasey Zanolli wrote:

I wanted to ask the list if you regularly process Memos of Understanding (perhaps another term is used) when you have PIs collaborate with PIs from other institutions.  In what instances do you do so?  If a grant proposal will be submitted?  If a publication will result?  What items do you cover in the MOU?  Sometimes these relationships are informal and PIs push back when asked to formalize.  Thank you for your input!

Kasey Zanolli, MHA
Administrative Grants Officer
Roseman University of Health Sciences
(702) 968-1638<><>

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