Post Award Accounting/Finance Structure Sarah Kluesener 15 Apr 2013 10:10 EST

We are looking for institutions with a similar Post Award Accounting/Finance set up as ours to ask a few questions.  Our Post Award Team is responsible for the processing of Federal grants, Industry studies, and Foundation awards, helping principal investigators and department administrators with the efficient and effective fiscal management of grants and contracts, and is responsible for the A-133 Audit.

What does the structure of your Post Award Accounting/Finance Team?

How many PIs/grants and contracts is one team member responsible for?

What software system do you use for managing the financial aspect of your grants and contracts?

How often are your team members invoicing for reimbursable grants and contracts?

Please feel free to contact me off line:

Sarah Kluesener, CNAP
Manager of Research and Grants Accounting
Children's Mercy Hospital. 2401 Gillham Road. Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: (816)-701-1322 (internal ext 41322) * Fax: (816) 701-1340

Physical Address: 2405 Grand Avenue, Suite 1400, Kansas City, MO 64108

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