international subaward Vincelli, Diana (22 Jan 2013 17:20 EST)
Re: international subaward Brodlie, Debra (22 Jan 2013 17:53 EST)
Re: international subaward J. Michael Slocum (23 Jan 2013 09:41 EST)

Re: international subaward Brodlie, Debra 22 Jan 2013 17:53 EST

email me off line and I can guide through some of the resources we have here at Johns Hopkins.

From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Vincelli, Diana [xxxxxx@RICHMOND.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 5:20 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] international subaward

We have our first subaward of federal funds  to a foreign university.
Can anyone direct me to a tutorial or cheat sheet on international subawards?
I have seen the template/sample on the FDP web page, but I am looking for more details on what regulations must flow down to the foreign entity.
(and are there available translations of such regs, say, in Spanish?)
Thanks so much!
Diana Thompson Vincelli
Director of Grant Support
Office of Foundation, Corporate & Government Relations
104 Puryear Hall
University of Richmond, VA  23173
804.289.8005; fax 804.287.1433<>
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