Re: Submitting a prior approval request to change the PI in the HRSA EHBs RESADM-L Member (02 May 2011 12:59 EST)
Nigerian bank accounts Carolyn Elliott-Farino (05 May 2011 16:41 EST)
Re: Nigerian bank accounts J. Michael Slocum (05 May 2011 19:46 EST)

Re: Submitting a prior approval request to change the PI in the HRSA EHBs RESADM-L Member 02 May 2011 12:59 EST

Hi, Marinda,

I'm responding to your question about a prior approval request submitted to HRSA because we had this experience not too long ago, and I can tell you what we did.

First, read what is printed the Grants Policy Manual (see for what should be included in such a request, e.g., justification for the change, biographical sketch of the proposed project director, relevant impact on the project budget, if any, etc.

To submit the request, we provided this information in a letter on the organization's letterhead and signed by the organization's authorizing official (not the current project director). We scanned the signed letter and uploaded it as a PDF file, as well as the biographical sketch of the proposed project director. If your project director has already withdrawn from the project, then HRSA expects that you notify them of this and request approval for a proposed project director no later than 30 days after the departure of the original project director.

I hope this helps.
Molly Daniel
Grants Specialist
Planning Department
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center
1000 Health Center Drive
Mattoon, IL 61938-9253
voice 217-258-2195, fax 258-4135

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