unsubscribe resadm-L Downes-Berry, Meaghan E. (09 Sep 2010 08:28 EST)
Re: Problem with Automated E-mails from Department of Education (G5 Notifications) Bob Beattie (09 Sep 2010 15:19 EST)

Re: Problem with Automated E-mails from Department of Education (G5 Notifications) Bob Beattie 09 Sep 2010 15:19 EST

At the last FDP meeting, a representative from the G5 project of the
Department of Education made a presentation and asked that any
problems be reported to her:  Constance Davis

The problem noted here seems like just the thing she wants to learn

Robert Beattie
Managing Senior Project Representative
Division of Research Development and Administration
University of Michigan
3003 S. State Street     Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1274
office: 734 936-1283

On Sep 9, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Shapiro, Steve wrote:

I'm the Postmaster (among other duties) for our organization, and I
recently started receiving notices like this from xxxxxx@ed.gov


Body: This letter informs you that the due date 06/05/2000 for
submitting your Annual Performance Report is already passed for
xxxxxxxx Award (CFDA xx.170B, PR/Award number P111X111111)
You will not be able to submit the reports again after the due date.


ED Program Staff


PROBLEM: ALL of the e-mail addresses have the digits "12" appended to
them (xxxxxx@uoregon.edu) when it should be xxxxxx@uoregon.edu). So the
e-mails never get delivered to the appropriate people (they go to the
bit bucket). As this is a "noreply" from address, ED is probably not
aware that these e-mails are mal-addressed. We are starting an
investigation to figure out why they are mal-addressing e-mails, but
in the meantime, this is timely notification that can affect our grants.

I'm notifiying the members of this list so they can follow up with
their own e-mail administrators to find out if similar e-mails have
been received and summarily discarded (check the mail logs).

Steve Shapiro
Computer Services Manager
Office of Research Services and Administration
University of Oregon

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 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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