Re: Submission Problems Today Charlie Hathaway 05 Feb 2010 16:09 EST

I keep picturing all these researchers playing
some grant game in this big xml pie and all.
Thousands of them, and nobody's around — nobody
in charge, I mean — except me. And I'm standing
on the edge of some crazy 5 PM deadline cliff.
What I have to do, I have to push everybody over
the cliff — I mean if they're running and they
don't look at the time I have to come out from
somewhere and push them. That's all I'm doing all
day. I'd just be the pusher in the pie and all. I
know it's crazy, and THERE ARE A LOT OF OTHER
THINGS I'd really RATHER be DOING. I know it's crazy.


At 03:19 PM 2/5/2010, you wrote:
>Is anyone else having troubles submitting this
>afternoon?  Two people in our office are have
>had no success submitting.  Sometimes the "sign
>and submit" screen doesn't appear after logging
>in.  The times when it does appear, the small
>screen which usually shows files transferring
>indicates no file transfers, then an
>Error:Nothing Done screen appears.
>Help Desk says it's due to high volume and to
>keep trying.  I'm surprised not to see any other
>emails on this.  Does anyone have any ideas other than keep trying?
>Ann Shiras
>Proposal Review
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