Re: ARRA Reporting: Job Creation Tom Drinane 07 Oct 2009 11:13 EST

We are not including tenured or tenure track faculty in jobs created or
retained, except in exceptional cases.  On the other hand, according to
a presentation at the September FDP, about 65% of institutions
responding to an FDP survey are including all salaries supported by ARRA
money as created or retained.

G Johnson wrote:
> Hello all --
> I'm wondering how other universities are accounting for faculty summer salaries
> on the ARRA quarterly reports.  Are you counting summer salary as part of the
> jobs created/retained number, and if so how are you calculating it?  (For example,
> if a PI had one month of summer salary, would you consider that 1/3 FTE for the
> summer--assuming a nine-month contract--or 1/12 FTE based on a contract
> year?)
> Thanks!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Gabe Johnson
> Clark University
> Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
> 508-793-7765
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Tom Drinane
8 Douglas Ridge
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