Re: ARRA vendor payments reporting Shannon Fisher 22 Sep 2009 16:11 EST

I was just in a meeting where that issue was discussed a bit in
connection with some infrastructure projects being done with the State
Stabilization funds. It sounds as if we may try to include a "jobs
reporting requirements clause" in a contract addendum that would ask
them to report this info to us during the contract performance.  Not
sure it's a better idea, though, just a little bit different one!

Jason K McCrory wrote:
> On a related note, we're planning on obtaining the job creation/retention information from the vendor when they submit the quote.  Anybody have any better ideas?
> Jason K. McCrory
> UAB School of Engineering
> Director of Administrative and Fiscal Affairs
> Hoehn Suite 101
> 1075 13th Street South
> Birmingham, AL 35294
> 205.934.8401 voice
> 205.934.8437 fax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Shannon Fisher
> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 3:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: [RESADM-L] ARRA vendor payments reporting
> There is some confusion here on this section of the reporting and the
> cumulative aspect of reporting. If I report a vendor payment over
> $25,000 in the first quarter, since reporting is supposed to be
> cumulative, I continue to report that payment each quarter through the
> final report, right?

Shannon C. Fisher
Associate Controller
Sponsored Projects Accounting
Kansas State University
785-532-6207 (ph)
785-532-5577 (fax)

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