Re: cost-sharing question Vigiolto, Margaret 10 Nov 2008 13:51 EST


We consider implicit effort, i.e. referenced in work statements, etc.,
but not explicitly budgeted, committed effort. We consider voluntary
effort beyond what is reasonably budgeted, voluntary uncommitted effort.


-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Victoria Jensen
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] cost-sharing question

Dear Peg and Kristy,

I looked this up last year, because I was also thinking that even if the
effort is not in the budget (as requested or in-kind), the PI still is
indeed spending time administering the grant.  However, I found that the
guidelines on "voluntary uncommitted cost-share" state that you do NOT
to track this effort.

The pertinent OMB clarification is located here:

"Clarification. Voluntary uncommitted cost sharing should be treated
differently from committed effort and should not be included in the
organized research base for computing the F&A rate or reflected in any
allocation of F&A costs. Furthermore, such faculty effort is excluded
the effort reporting requirement in section J.8. This treatment is
consistent with the guidance in section J.8.b (1).c, "Payroll
that a precise documentation of faculty effort is not always feasible,
is it expected, because of the inextricably intermingled functions
by the faculty in an academic setting (i.e., teaching, research, service
administration). "

Best regards,

Vicky Jensen
Interim Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
California State University, East Bay

On 11/10/08 7:19 AM, "Vigiolto, Margaret" <xxxxxx@DREXEL.EDU> wrote:

> Hi Kristy,
> In the situation you describe, there is an implicit commitment. I
> with your logic. Drexel University requires a reasonable estimate of
> effort to be recorded in the payroll distribution system.
> Peg Vigiolto
> Associate Vice Provost
> Office of Research
> Drexel University
> 3201 Arch Street, Suite 100
> 215.895.2311 phone
> 215.895.6699 fax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Research Administration List [] On
> Behalf Of Kristy Ford
> Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: [RESADM-L] cost-sharing question
> Hello all!  I could not find this detail in the regulations, unless
> missing something somewhere.  So, I am interested in knowing how your
> institutions handle situations involving uncommitted effort.  Some
> agencies still do not require that a PI commit a certain amount of
> effort to a project, even though, as a PI, he/she is obviously going
> spend time on it.  Therefore, the proposal and budget does not request
> reimbursement towards the PI salary/fringe and does not specify a
> percentage of time committed to the project.  The budget also does not
> include a portion of the PI salary/fringe in the match either.  Do you
> require that the PI verify his/her time and effort (as an in-kind
> contribution) on a project in this situation?  I'm inclined to say
> "yes," because obviously he/she has to spend time on the project as
> PI.  Even if it isn't stated in the proposal or budget, time is
> committed by virtue of being the PI.  The PI must, then, verify
> effort on this projec!
>  t after it is awarded, how ever much it may truly be.  Am I correct
> my thinking?
> I know this was discussed before, but I could not find the e-mails.
> More than anything, I want to know that I am correct in my thinking
> before telling people they cannot apply for more grants when they have
> no time available for more projects.
> Thanks!
> Kristy
> Kristy Ford
> Grant Management Manager
> Financial Reporting Administration
> Memorial University Medical Center
> Savannah, GA  31404
> (912)350-6379
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