Re: extra compensation policy Maggie Bryan-Peterson 22 Sep 2008 10:15 EST

Our institution also allows 20% AY and up to 3/9ths in the summer, if
the sponsor allows it. 2/9ths is the regular; must request and get
administrative approvals for 3/9ths. Most often it is granted for a
PI/PD with multiple responsibilities/awards.

Maggie Bryan-Peterson, CRA
Office of Sponsored Programs
E230a Thompson Hall
SUNY Fredonia
Fredonia, NY  14063

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Donna Berger
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] extra compensation policy

Dear RESADMers,

I need your input on an extra compensation issue that has been raised by
one of our faculty members. She is doing an NIH grant and is requesting
compensation for the winter intersession. She claims that she is not
obligated to teach during part of Dec and Jan and should be able to
compensation from the NIH grant. (She also claims that her faculty
is 7.25 months, rather than nine months because she is not obliged to
during the summer and intersession months.) She has sent me a policy
her former institution that allowed up to 20% additional compensation
during the academic year and up to 3 months compensation in the summer.
externally funding, the policy stipulated that this was allowed if the
funding agency allowed it. We are looking to find out how other
institutions handle extra compensation.

Would your faculty be allowed to get paid extra compensation during the
academic year?  Would you allow extra compensation during the academic
for an NIH grant?

Any policies that you could share with me would be much appreciated.
Thanks you.

Donna Berger, Ph.D.
Coordinator, Academic Grants
Marist College
Phone: 845-575-3670

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