Salary Offset and Effort ( effort reporting ) on NIH supported research Arthur Eisenberg 18 Sep 2008 10:47 EST

I'd appreciate any feed back of policy statements at your institution
regarding NIH funded research and salary offset and %effort on a project.
Does your school have a cap on %salary offset and/or %effort on individual
awards or in total.

Are investigators required to match their %salary offset/effort to
correspond to that which was indicated in their NIH application? (within
25% as allowed by NIH without prior approval)

What are the teaching loads (and administrative/committee
responsibilities) at your institution in relation to research effort.
Since I'm at a SUNY College I'm particularly interested in State Colleges.
 The Optometry College is somewhat unique in that it is not an
undergraduate school, and has an associated clinic.  Most of our NIH
researchers have some teaching responsibilities but no clinic

any and all input will be appreciated.
If you have a Policy you can share - that would be appreciated as well.

My understanding is that salary offset should follow effort as a basic
prinicpal - does your policy support that view?  Of course there should be
a cap - 20 - 30% effort will go to non.research purposes.

Arthur Eisenberg
SUNY College of Optometry
Research Administration
212-938-4159 - voice
212-938-5678 - fax

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