Combined Effort on K02 and R01 Clairice Lloyd 13 Jun 2008 09:24 EST

One of our PIs is insistent that he can apply for a K02 award with 12
calendar months of effort with his current effort remaining at 6
calendar months on a R01.  He is also applying for a competitive renewal
of the current R01 still listing 6 calender months of effort.  The total
effort would be 18 calendar months.

It is my understand that effort cannot exceed 12 calendar months.  Also,
I have not found anything to substantiate his assertion.

Has anyone had this type of situation to resolve?



Clairice Lloyd
Senior Grants and Contracts Officer
Office of Sponsored Research
3300 Whitehaven St., NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC  20007
Voice: 202-687-1207
Fax: 202-687-3825

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