Re: Limited Submission Process Ann Laura Walker 08 Feb 2008 14:07 EST

It's funny you mention this because I just sent a notice out to the research
deans at my institution.

1. How much in advance do you send out the limited submission programs?
Often we let faculty members let us know and they'll say something to the
effect of "I'm interested in this program but saw that there is a limit on
proposals" then we act from there.(I send an email to appropriate deans
notifying them of the program with deadline information) OR if it's a
program that we know would have a great amount of interest, I send a notice
out to research deans to let departments know.

2. How much in advance of the external deadline is the institution internal
deadline set?
It really depends on the program. For the NSF MRI, proposals were due by
1/24/08 but the internal notice was due by 11/15/07 (of course holidays were
taken into consideration) There was a great deal of interest in that
proposal. Other cases where the faculty members let us know of the program,
the internal deadline is sooner because 1-the faculty member really
interested in the prog already has developed their proposal and 2-the email
to the research deans is asking to see if there is other interest.

3. How do  you handle selection of faculty for the review committee - do you
form a different review committee for each program, or do you have the same
faculty that are on the committee?
For the NSF MRI program, we had faculty members from our engineering school,
med school and arts/sciences school submit notices of interest. So we had
the appropriate deans meet and the Chief Research Officer meet to discuss
the proposals.

4. Are the names of the review committee faculty kept "under wraps?"
No. Faculty members are aware that the deans/CRO are the committee.

5. When a selection is made announcing which faculty member can go ahead
with full submission, is only the faculty member and his/her proposal
administrator notified, or are all proposal administrators carbon copied
along with others?
We let the faculty members know that they can or can not submit. Since I am
fairly new to this position, I do not know if those that weren't allowed to
submit are told who was allowed to submit.

From one Information Specialist to another,


Ann Laura Walker
Information Specialist
Office of the Chief Research Officer
The George Washington University
2121 I Street, NW, Suite 601
Washington DC 20052
Telephone: (202) 994-9136
Fax: (202) 994-9137

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of
Madhavi Chokshi
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 1:27 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Limited Submission Process

I would appreciate any feedback on the limited submission process at your

Specifically, I have a few questions:
1. How much in advance do you send out the limited submission programs?
2. How much in advance of the external deadline is the institution internal
deadline set?
3. How do  you handle selection of faculty for the review committee - do you
form a different review committee for each program, or do you have the same
faculty that are on the committee?
4. Are the names of the review committee faculty kept "under wraps?"
5. When a selection is made announcing which faculty member can go ahead
with full submission, is only the faculty member and his/her proposal
administrator notified, or are all proposal administrators carbon copied
along with others?

Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

Maddy Chokshi
Information Specialist
University of Central Florida
Office of Research & Commercialization
12201 Research Parkway
Suite 501
Orlando, FL 32826-3252
Phone: 407.882.1141
Fax: 407.882.1156

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