Re: Salary Surveys Steinert, Bruce 03 Jan 2008 11:07 EST

You might check with the Association of Clinical Research Professionals
( They have done a number of compensation surveys over
the years for study coordinators (RN and non-RN), monitors, RAs, etc.


Bruce Steinert, PhD, CCRA
Administrative Director, Clinical Trials Center
ENH Research Institute
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Carrie Boyd
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 9:11 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Salary Surveys

Here is a question from someone in my HR department:

Carilion Clinic, a not-for-profit healthcare organization, is
partnering with a nearby university to establish a Medical School and
Research Institute.  In additional to quality healthcare, Carilion
Clinic is now incorporating education and research as key pillars of our

I am a member of the Compensation Department (in Human Resources) at
Carilion Clinic.  Most of our compensation resources (i.e., salary
surveys) used for setting competitive wages based on market data are
tailored to healthcare organizations.  We need to expand our
compensation resources to include research administration, clinical
laboratory research, as well as academic positions.

If you are aware of any salary surveys that are conducted in the areas
or research or academia, please contact me directly at  I*d also be interested in your thoughts on
any existing research or academic professional organizations that may be
able to assist with gathering this information. Any assistance you can
provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and assistance.


Sarah Miller
Compensation Specialist
Carilion Clinic
Phone: 540-983-4061
Fax: 540-983-4087

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