Re: RESADM-L Digest - 26 Nov 2007 to 27 Nov 2007 (#2007-272) Maldonis, Joanne 28 Nov 2007 17:42 EST

Jen, our grant review policy is as follows:

Electronic Submissions including all required sections of the grant application
must be uploaded to Research Management 15 business days prior to sponsoring
agency's deadline (without final science).

Final and complete versions of grant applications are due to Research Management
5 business days prior to the deadline.

Paper Submissions including all required sections of the grant application are
due to Research Management 10 days prior to the sponsoring agency's deadline.
Progress Reports are due 10 days prior to due date.

This would be for all types of grants.

Joanne Maldonis
Grants Administrator II
Research Management
Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street, Boston, MA  02115
Tel: 617-954-9646
Fax: 617-954-9680

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