Re: Proposal Review Services Kristy Ford 09 Aug 2007 09:59 EST

Julie Edelson, who works for Wake Forest University, is wonderful!  You can find her information on WFU's Sponsored Programs website.


Kristy Ford
Grant Management Manager
Office of Sponsored Programs/MHUMC
4750 Waters Ave. Suite 212
Savannah, GA  31404

>>> Corey Graves <xxxxxx@MEDICINE.NODAK.EDU> 8/9/2007 10:41 AM >>>
I have had a faculty member ask if I could recommend a proposal review
service which could review his draft proposal for a fee.  I did not know
of any company or individual who does this type of work.  Can anyone
recommend a company of individual who could assist us?

Thank you,

Corey Graves

Grant & Contract Officer

University of North Dakota

School of Medicine & Health Sciences

Administration & Finance - Room 1909a

501 N. Columbia Road, Stop 9037

Grand Forks, ND  58202-9037

Phone: (701) 777-2808

Fax: (701) 777-4874



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