Effort Reporting Lori Johnson 06 Jun 2007 10:20 EST

 Our way of doing Time and Effort reporting is to set out an
estimated salary distribution at the start of the contract year using a
Personnel form.  Payroll is then paid per that distribution.  If a
change in that distribution happens during the academic year, we submit
a new form to change payroll distribution.      We then collect an
effort report for fall, spring, and summer semester that verifies that
the effort on sponsored projects matches the payroll for that project.
It seems to me that we are incorporating elements from both the Plan
confirmation and the After-the-fact Activity Records methods of Effort
reporting outlined in A-21.
 Can anyone tell me what is the difference between the Plan
confirmation and After-the-fact Activity Records methods?  Also, what
degree of tolerance is everyone using when effort reports are returned
and the analysis is done to compare payment to effort.  The circular
indicates a 1 to 2 month fluctuation.  Does that translate to a 10%
variance?  Is anyone using a 5% variance?
 Thank you very much.
Lori Johnson

Lori Johnson
Fiscal Officer
Grants & Contracts Accounting
Campus Box 8219
Idaho State University

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