Re: DUNS number on Research and Related Budget form Donna A. DeLuca 01 Jun 2007 08:29 EST

Unfortunately this cannot be changed.  See content of Sherri Cummins email
from 2/1/07.

Donna DeLuca
Grant Administrator, Office of Sponsored Programs
Health Research, Inc
One University Place
Rensselaer, NY  12144-3447
PH (518) 431-1261
FAX (518) 431-1234

 "NIH Electronic
 (NIH/OD)"                                                  To
 <NIHElectronicSub         xxxxxx@LIST.NIH.GOV
 xxxxxx@MAIL.NIH.GOV                                          cc
 Sent by:                                              Subject
 ESubmission               NIH eSubmission Items of Interest -
 Update to                 2/1/2007

 02/01/2007 09:13

 Please respond to
 "NIH Electronic

NIH eSubmission Items of Interest – 2/1/2007

R01s Are Rolling In

We have already received over 1600 error-free R01 applications for the
February 5 receipt date! Thought I’d give you a heads-up on the top errors
encountered by applicants to date.

|Error                                |Notes                                |
|The {0} attachment is not in PDF     |See our PDF guidelines for tips on   |
|format, or the filename is invalid.  |creating PDF files that the eRA      |
|All attachments must be provided to  |system will accept.                  |
|the agency in PDF format, filenames  |                                     |
|must be included with no spaces or   |In many cases the issue is the use of|
|special characters (including        |special characters like brackets and |
|brackets), and a .pdf extension must |slashes in attachment filenames.     |
|be used.                             |                                     |
|The eRA Commons Username must be     |This NIH requirement is easy to miss,|
|submitted for the PD/PI in the PD/PI |since the field on the               |
|Credential field on the Senior/Key   |government-wide form is not marked as|
|Person page.                         |mandatory.                           |
|                                     |                                     |
|                                     |Remember, if your application        |
|                                     |includes multiple-PIs, the eRA       |
|                                     |Commons Username must be provided for|
|                                     |all Sr./Key persons with the PD/PI   |
|                                     |role.                                |
|Senior/Key Person {0}, listed on the |Unless otherwise specified in an     |
|424 RR Detailed Budget Page for      |agency announcement, Sr./Key         |
|budget year {1}, must include effort |personnel are defined as all         |
|of a value greater than zero in      |individuals who contribute in a      |
|calendar months, academic months, or |substantive, measurable way to the   |
|summer months. Note: use either      |scientific development or execution  |
|calendar months or a combination of  |of the project,  whether or not      |
|academic and summer months.          |salaries are requested.              |
|                                     |                                     |
|                                     |If no effort is contributed, NIH does|
|                                     |not consider them integral to the    |
|                                     |project.                             |
|The organization name for Key Person |NIH requires the “Organization Name” |
|{0} must be provided on the          |field to be included for each Sr./Key|
|Senior/Key Person page.              |person. This field is not marked as  |
|                                     |mandatory on the government-wide     |
|                                     |form, so it is easy to miss.         |

The Downside of Auto-population in Forms

As you know, one of the really nice things about the forms is
that when you fill out information on the SF424 (R&R) form, information
from that form automatically populates into various forms. For example,
information provided on the SF424 (R&R) carries to the following fields on
other forms in the application package:

 Organizational DUNS-On the R&R Budget (ONLY for project applicants)

 Organization Name- On the R&R Budget (ONLY for project applicants)

 Start Date- On the R&R Budget (ONLY for project applicants)

 PD/PI information (prefix, First, Middle, Last name, Suffix)-
 1). PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement
 2). On the R&R Budget, R&R Senior Key Person

 Applicant Organization Contact- Person to be contacted (prefix,
 First, Middle and Last name, suffix, phone#, fax number, email)- On
 the PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement

 Type of Application-
 1). On the PHS 398 Research Plan
 2). PHS 398 Checklist

 Federal Identifier- On the PHS 398 Checklist

Most of the time, this works without a hitch. However, we have been getting
an increasing number of complaints that when information is corrected on
the SF424 (R&R) the change does not carry through to the other forms
causing Warnings or Errors during the validation process.
reports the only corrective action an applicant can take is to pull a fresh
copy of the application package and cut and paste information from one form
to the other. Until can fix the issue in the forms themselves or
NIH can implement a workaround (which unfortunately cannot happen before
the February 5 R01 receipt date), we do not have a lot of options. Please
try to be extremely careful when filling out the SF424 (R&R), especially
the fields mentioned above. If you run into this issue, please contact the
eRA Commons help desk ( so that we can
document that you have encountered this form issue.

New Training Resources Posted

New automated tutorials are now available on the Training page of the
Electronic Submission Web site. Watch at your own pace and receive
step-by-step instructions. A sample of topics includes Finding Grant
Opportunities and downloading applications, Check E-Application Status - SO
(Signing Official), and Check E-Application Status - PI (Principal
Investigator) .

Space Still Available for NIH Regional Seminar

There still is space available at the NIH Regional to be held in Salt Lake
City, Utah on March 5-6 ( The program
includes a diversity of topics related to both the application and review
processes, as well as post award administration, grant writing and more.
Hands-on electronic submission training is being offered at the University
of Utah campus on March 7 following the two-day seminar. Space is limited,
so act now if you want to take advantage of this opportunity.

PureEdge Character Limitation

We have received notification from that although the PureEdge
forms will accept 75 characters for the following fields, only 60
characters is actually allowed by the system:

 -         ‘Enter name of Organization’ on Research & Related Budget -
 Section A & B form
 -         ‘Organization Name’ on Research & Related Senior/Key Person
 (Expanded) form will address this discrepancy when they move to Adobe forms. In
the meantime, they have asked us to help spread the word and will update
their website information.

Are You Checking Your Application Image?

Don’t forget that last step…checking the assembled application in eRA
Commons. When checking the overall application, pay special attention to
the information in the attachments. Is the correct information included -
it is easy to attach the wrong file by mistake. Is the information
presented correctly – files formatted correctly, no data corruption, no
flipped diagrams or missing information? Remember, if the assembled
application does not correctly reflect your submitted information due to a or eRA Commons system issue (this happens rarely, but it could
happen) – contact the eRA Commons help desk immediately ( You will not be penalized for system
issues outside your control.

Sheri Cummins
Communications Coordinator
NIH Electronic Submission of Grant Applications
Contractor, LTS

Donna DeLuca
Grant Administrator, Office of Sponsored Programs
Health Research, Inc
One University Place
Rensselaer, NY  12144-3447
PH (518) 431-1261
FAX (518) 431-1234

 Pamela Tazik
 D.EDU>                                                     To
 Sent by: Research
 Administration                                             cc
 <xxxxxx@hrinet.                                     Subject
 org>                      [RESADM-L] DUNS number on Research
 and Related Budget form

 06/01/2007 08:36

 Please respond to
 Discussion List

In completing the pure edge package for a grant application, a faculty
member used an incorrect DUNS number.  I have corrected the DUNS on the SF
424 R&R.  How can I correct the DUNS number on the Reserach and Related
Budget form?  I tried resetting the form, but it does not clear that field.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Pamela Tazik
Director, Sponsored Programs
Univ. of Mississippi Medical Center
Phone 601/ 815-5007
Fax  601/815-5010

Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available via
our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")