Re: Interpretation: OSA or Sponsored Instruction/Training? Dawn Wall 29 Mar 2007 11:03 EST


I agree with your interpretation. Sponsored training involves the actual
training of students at the university, not the creation of training
videos for an external nonprofit organization for future training of
non-university personnel or students. You PI doesn't want to pay the
full OSA rate and is hoping to go for the lower Sponsored Training rate,
right? Good luck!


Andrew Parkerson-Gray wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm feeling like I've run into some grey area by a proposal that's
> come through our office, and thought I'd get some other takes on it.
> This is of course, an A-21 interpretation. I've seen other takes on
> this, but don't necessarily agree with some that I've seen. Anyhow,
> here's the scoop:
> An outside nonprofit (not connected to our university) has solicited
> the services of university personnel to create 2 training videos for
> them (them being the nonprofit) to use in future trainings. A
> university technician will work on the videos and send the final
> products to the outside nonprofit. The university PI (who isn't
> getting any pay from this, but supervises the tech.) is arguing that
> the activity should be "sponsored training". I'm arguing that it
> should be "other sponsored activity", since the project doesn't
> involve any actual training or instruction (it's storyboarding,
> piecing the videos together and making DVDs, then delivering them to
> the nonprofit), and it's not really involving a faculty member (who
> would be the normal job type to conduct sponsored instruction or
> training, especially in this case - as a subject matter expert).
> Again, I also think that since the university tech. is essentially
> performing a service for an outside entity, it's not really training
> or instruction and should be OSA. What would you choose?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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Dawn Wall, Accountant
University of Alaska
Statewide Office of Cost Analysis
211B Butrovich Building
PO Box 756540
Fairbanks, AK   99775-6540
Phone - 907.450.8076  fax - 907.450.8071
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Knox or the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but
the sum total of the education and the character of our people.
 -- Claiborne Pell

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