Re: Human Subjects Question Robert Bienkowski 08 Mar 2007 14:34 EST

It depends on the policy of Professor A's institution regarding outside consulting. If Prof A represents him/herself as a Professor of Behavioral Science at Ivy League University, then I bet the policy would require that the IRB at IVU  be involved. I would suggest that Prof A ask the VP Research at IVU (and keep copies of the memos).

Bob Bienkowski

Robert S Bienkowski, PhD

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Pamela Miller <xxxxxx@USFCA.EDU>
> Professor A works as a consultant on a grant involving human subjects
> awarded to another institution-not the place Professor A is employed.   Does
> Professor A's Institutional IRB have to review and approve the human
> subjects' protocol for this research?  Or is this the responsibility of the
> IRB of the institution that received the award?
> What if Professor A's role (even though a "consultant" ) approaches Co-PI
> status?
> Also, does anyone know where one can purchase Tylenol in bulk?
> Pamela F. Miller, Ph.D.
> Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
> The University of San Francisco
> 2130 Fulton Street
> San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
> TEL  415-422-5368
> FAX 415-422-6222
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[RESADM-L] Human Subjects Question Pamela Miller 08 Mar 2007 13:34 EST