Re: Max xfd (PureEdge) File sizes? Robert Beattie 11 Jul 2006 08:27 EST

We were worried about the size of files being sent via email too.
Not so much the problem of just one file as we can have in theory up
to 100mb transmitted.  We were worried about getting 50 such files in
our mail server.  Thus our grants office IT staff created a server
"drop box" which allows PI's and their staff to upload their file.
See here for a discussion of how this works.

Once the file is uploaded, 4 staff members get a message that it is
there.  When one of them opens the file, the other 3 and the uploader
get a message that this has been done.  Uploading requires use of our
campus secure log in.

Robert Beattie
UMich Liaison   (734) 936-1283
Learn more about @ UMICH

On Jul 10, 2006, at 5:28 PM, Nguyen, Michael M wrote:

Has anyone done any extensive testing on how large the PureEdge files
are going to be come February 07?  We are currently having PIs e-mail
the file to our Grant and Contract Office, but I'm afraid we will
need a better solution when the files become larger.  Any feedback
would be great.

Many thanks!


Michael Nguyen
Electronic Research Administrator
Grants & Contracts
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

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