Re: call for compliance info Rosemary Madnick 08 Jun 2006 13:21 EST

Great idea! I am interested in a list serve for compliance issues.

Rosemary Madnick
Director, Office of Grants and Contracts
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science
1731 East 120th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90059
(323) 563-5843 phone
(323) 563-5867 fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Sheryl Trexler
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 9:18 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] call for compliance info

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know of any listservs specific to research compliance other
than IRB.  I am fairly new to research compliance and I am looking for
listservs for biosafety, conflict of interest, export controls,
ITAR/EAR, security clearances, and IACUC.

I would also like to start a network of research compliance officers or
similar positions at various institutions where we can call on each
other for guidance.  Currently I am working on securing a license under
OFAC, ITAR, and EAR for an embargoed country and feel that some of the
challenges we experience could be helpful to one another. If you are
interested please respond and I will compile a list and distribute.

Any help you can provide in these areas would be much appreciated.

Have a great day,
Sheryl Trexler
Research Compliance Officer
Arizona State University

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