Re: IDCs on PureEdge Elizabeth C. Lieberman 05 May 2006 12:29 EST

I have no idea if the problem got resolved by NIH, because I just changed
my way of calculating indirect costs in order to avoid having all my
proposals rejected.  The approach that worked for me is to play around
with the budget so that the IDC base is a whole number which, when
multiplied by the IDC rate, gives a whole number.  If your rate is a whole
percent (e.g. 62.0%), this means your base will have to be an even number
of hundreds (e.g. $78,400).  If your rate has one decimal place (e.g.
62.1%), your base will need to be an even number of thousands (e.g.
$78,000).  And so on.

It would be good to know from NIH if they ever fixed what was causing all
those proposals to be rejected because of the indirect cost calculation
"error."  Until I see something that tells me that, I'm sticking with my
approach which has worked for me multiple times now.

Research Administration Discussion List <xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG> on Friday,
May 05, 2006 at 1:04 PM -0500 wrote:
>Did the indirect cost calculation problem in PureEdge that messed up some
>AREA grant submissions get resolved?
>Are whole numbers for $ base or 2 decimal figure rates required?
Liz Lieberman
Director, Office of Sponsored Research
Assistant Dean of the College
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481-8203
Phone: (781) 283-3587;  Fax: (781) 283-3695

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