Re: General Counsel Review and Approval Phillip Myers, Ph.D. 23 Sep 2005 10:03 EST

Patterson, Charles wrote:

> Greetings Everyone,
> All the talk of OSP lead time needed for review by budget offices and
> the like got me to wondering…
> *Is anyone required to get approval through the Office of General
> Counsel before submitting materials to a sponsor, company, etc.? By
> materials, I mean ANYTHING research-related: Proposals, contracts,
> nondisclosure agreements, material transfer agreements, no-cost
> extensions, award letters. Anything?*
> * *
> If no, a simple “No” will suffice. If yes, please describe the
> situation and what is required.
> I’m looking for, and would greatly appreciate, every response I could
> garner on this topic. Feel free to respond directly:
> <>.
> ________________________________
> Charles E. Patterson, Ph.D.
> Research Project Manager
> Office of the Vice Provost for Research
> Baylor University
> Phone: (254) 710-3757
> Email:
> Web:
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