Re: Software as equipment? Smith,Lois M 10 Jun 2005 09:18 EST

Hi Val,

We have from time to time considered software as equipment but it has to
be a significant amount $10,000 to $15,000 or more and to be our
property.  If it's a license, you don't really own it.

Hope that helps.

Lois Smith,
Associate Controller, Sponsored Programs
The University of Akron

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG] On
Behalf Of Val Kettner
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 9:14 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] Software as equipment?

Greetings!  I would be interested in hearing how many institutions
software/software licenses that are over $5,000 as equipment?

As always, thanks for your responses!

Valrey V. Kettner
Assistant Vice President
Sponsored Programs Administration
North Dakota State University
(701) 231-9608

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