IPA question Laurie Chamness 25 May 2005 12:49 EST

The VA has told us that the IPA is the document they use when non-VA
personnel work on VA grants.

Does "on detail to a Federal agency" mean that our person has to be
physically located at the VA?

Is an IPA (from the VA in another state to our institution) the
appropriate award document (rather than a subgrant) in a situation where
our investigator is listed as a co-investigator on a VA project, and our
investigator will physically remain at our institution, rather than
being physically placed on assignment at the VA?


Laurie Chamness
Assistant Director
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Medical University of South Carolina
PO Box 250808
Charleston, SC  29425

Ph (843) 792-3832
Fax (843) 792-6447
E-Mail:  xxxxxx@musc.edu

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