Re: Museums Greg and Peg Schmidt 09 Nov 2004 10:02 EST

I would say that research is research.  All nonexternally funded activities
of the museum are academic support.  If you receive an NEA/NEH grant to
exhibit, that would be a sponsored activity and could be classified
variously as public service, instruction, etc.  The institutional support of
the day to day museum activities and permanent exhibits would be academic

My humble opinion.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Patricia M Territo" <xxxxxx@LSU.EDU>
To: <xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG>
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 7:42 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Museums

> To All:
> According to NACUBO, museum activities should be reported as "Academic
> Support." What happens if the museum is being awarded grants for other
> purposes (i.e. research, instruction, public service,
> etc.)................
> can they be reported as such? Or should ALL museum activities be reported
> as "Academic Support" regardless of the purpose of the grants?
> Thanks in advance for your responses.
> *************************************
> Patricia M. Territo
> Director
> Sponsored Program Accounting
> Louisiana State University
> E-mail:
> Phone # (225) 578-2204
> Fax # (225) 578-4421
> *************************************
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