Re: Does anyone know anything about NRSP? Robert Beattie 02 Jul 2004 13:41 EST

You can find almost anything in the internet via a google search

"The Pig Microarray is produced with the QIAGEN Array-Ready Oligo Set
for the Pig Genome (version 1.0) and the  Pig Genome Oligo Extension
Set (version 1.0). The Pig Genome Oligo Set contains 10,665 70-mer
probes representing (10,665) Sus Scrofa gene sequences with a hit to
human, mouse, or pig gene transcript. Some sequences contain a 3'
expressed sequence tag (EST). The Pig Genome Oligo Extension Set
contain 2,632 Sus Scrofa gene sequences with at least one 3' EST. The
genelists, data sheets, and product profiles of the  Pig Genome Oligo
Set Version 1.0 and Pig_extension Genome Oligo Set Version 1.0 are
available from Qiagen. All probes are designed from TIGR Gene Index
SsGI Release 5.0 (October 1, 2002).  A TIGR sequence annotation tool
has been developed at the Iowa State University. Users can use it
following this link."

more info follows :)

On Jul 2, 2004, at 2:31 PM, Debbie Smith wrote:

We have a faculty member who's trying to get something called a "pig
and he says we can only get it if we are an "NRSP-8/NC-1004

Can anyone tell me what that is?


 Deborah (Debbie) L. Smith, Ed.D.
Director, Research Administration
UT Health Science Center
8 So. Dunlap, Suite C-109
Memphis, TN  38163
901 448-4823
901 448-7600 fax

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